The Five Minute Interview with Kenneth Duffy, Country Manager Ireland, Fiduciam


Kenneth Duffy, Country Manager Ireland, Fiduciam

Fiduciam is a pension-fund owned bridging and marketplace lender to entrepreneurs and small and medium-sized enterprises.

Granting business bridge loans to provide working capital or to finance expansion plans, standard rental loans to landlords who wish to extend their real estate portfolio and permitted development loans, to contractors and developers for straightforward construction projects.

With its flexible, efficient and competitive approach to lending it helps small and medium sized businesses grow and prosper.

We speak to Country Manager for Ireland, Kenneth Duffy:

What is the best thing about being in the bridging and development finance business?

Working closely with the introducers and my team. We’re always trying to ensure the best results for our clients. We work hard and within some pretty tight deadlines, so it’s great when all the hard work pays off with the best possible outcome.

What keeps you focused?

Working in a very fast paced and competitive environment. No two days are the same. I also get a lot of queries on the Irish market from my work colleagues – they like to keep me on toes.

What qualities do you look for in your employees or colleagues?

Hardworking with a good attitude will get you very far. A good sense of humour also helps!

Are you an optimist or a pessimist?

I would say an optimist (with a hint of a realist thrown in).

What did you want to be as a child?

That’s an easy one – a County Mayo footballer. Like most children growing up in Ireland, GAA and in particular Gaelic Football was, and still is, a huge part of my life.

If the current management reads this, I’m still available for selection!

What will be the greatest challenge facing the bridging and development finance industry in the coming months?

Notwithstanding the current political uncertainty impacting both the UK and Republic of Ireland markets; I would say the greatest challenge, in the area I work in, is educating potential Irish clients on the benefits of bridging finance.

Ireland has been starved of viable lending options for quite a while, so it needs the likes of Fiduciam to fill that gap.

Who or what makes you laugh?

I’m a big fan of Steve Coogan. In particular, the earlier Alan Partridge stuff – it never gets old! Also, anything Graham Linehan has written, the man is a genius.

Do you dread Monday mornings?

I much prefer the weekends! However, I do look forward to Monday mornings. It’s a fresh start and full of possibilities.

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

Haha, I think I’d need more than five minutes to answer that one.

With whom would you most like to have dinner?

My family, there are five siblings with eleven nephews and nieces in total. It’s quite hard to get us all around the same table, so it’s great on the rare occasion it does actually happen.