The Five Minute Interview with Joel White, Managing Director, Ramsay & White


Joel White Ramsay and White

Ramsay & White is a specialist mortgage brokerage serving the specific finance needs of property investors across the UK.

Their broad skills, expertise and network of professionals can help a property investor to quickly generate momentum while growing their property portfolio.

Offering advice on BTL, Bridging, HMO, Portfolio Acquisition and Development finance.

We speak to managing director Joel White:

What is the best thing about being in the bridging & development finance business?

The types of clients we get the opportunity to work with. All our clients are motivated and experienced property investors.

Bridging and Development finance allows our clients to build momentum when funding their next project.

What keeps you focused?

As an entrepreneur or business owner, you have a lot on your plate. Staying focused can be tough with a constant stream of employees, clients, emails, and phone calls requiring your attention.

Amid the noise, for me, it’s important to have a disciplined routine and always be looking for way to progress in business and my personal life.

What qualities do you look for in your employees or colleagues?

Honesty, Ambition and a Strong Work Ethic. Hardworking, honest employees with ambition can keep your company’s morale high.

Employees possessing these qualities are marketable, can be trusted with increased autonomy and are the ones we encourage to join Ramsay & White.

Are you an optimist or a pessimist?

Optimist, however there are others in my team that are pessimists. I believe this is a good thing and brings a strong balance to the business.

What did you want to be as a child?

A professional boxer.

What will be the greatest challenge facing the bridging & development finance industry in the coming months?

Although there is a lot of uncertainty in the market, particularly with Brexit, our clients are still pushing forward with their property businesses and lenders still have an appetite to lend.

We’ve seen LTV’s reduced in some areas of London, but I think the main challenge is properties being valued cautiously or down valued, which has an impact on lending.

This is the biggest obstacle we are seeing lenders and borrowers currently facing.

Who or what makes you laugh?

Friends and family, we always have a good time when we are together.

Do you dread Monday mornings?

No, it’s another day to push Ramsay & White and the great team I work with forward.

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

Be more patient.

With whom would you most like to have dinner?

Richard Branson. I think he has around 400 operations across his investment group, so would love to understand managing multiple business and team he has around him.