‘My glass is always half full’


Matthew Anderson Arbuthnot Specialist Finance

In our latest Five Minute Interview, Tony Sanchez speaks to Matthew Anderson, Head of Sales at  Arbuthnot Specialist Finance (ASFL)

Matthew has been the Head of Sales at Arbuthnot Specialist Finance, a subsidiary of Arbuthnot Latham, the private and commercial bank, for 16 months.

This follows a career in finance, specialising in property since 1996. Next year sees his work 40th anniversary – his first job was at Barclays Bank putting bank statements in envelopes.

What is the best thing about being in the bridging and development finance business?

Currently being part of a new subsidiary of a long-established bank, and the challenges and opportunities that brings.

What keeps you focused?

My wife, my boss, and my targets.

What qualities do you look for in your employees or colleagues?

I have always enjoyed team sports – and like to enjoy what I do.

Working with like-minded people is always a pleasure.

Are you an optimist or a pessimist?

My glass is always half full.

What did you want to be as a child?

That’s a long time ago!

Or as my son asked me recently “how did you end up doing what you do?”

Like most people, I fell into finance because I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do. I did toy with joining the Armed Forces.

What will be the greatest challenge facing the bridging and development finance industry in the coming months?

Funding – as market conditions worsen, those that traditionally fund the short-term lending market will either reduce appetite or withdraw altogether – and/or funding will become more expensive.

Diversity and inclusivity – to attract newcomers to our part of the finance industry, we need to work collectively to change perception and stereotypes.

Who or what makes you laugh?

Al Murray – but daily, Molly Markey, who is our Lending Operations Manager.

Do you dread Monday mornings?


If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

Arthritic knees.