‘It’s amazing to see how far the business has come’


Sam Bryce MS Lending Group (1)

In our latest Five Minute Interview, Tony Sanchez speaks to Sam Bryce, case manager at MS Lending Group.

MS Lending Group offers bridging finance on residential, semi-commercial, and commercial properties.

As a business, they look at every case on its own individual merits and work closely with their clients to ensure their financial needs are met.

They have no set product range in order to ensure they are agile in the market and able to best suit their customers.

MS Lending Group is based on real products, by real people, making real decisions.

What is the best thing about being in the bridging  finance business? 

The best thing about being in the bridging finance industry is definitely the fact each day brings a new client with a different scenario. I really enjoy the variety day to day.

What keeps you focused? 

The main thing that keeps me focused is setting new records and watching MS Lending Group grow.

Since I joined a year ago, it’s amazing to see how far the business has come and what we are achieving on a daily basis.

It is so exciting to be a part of the business since the beginning and we have so much planned, nothing is out of our reach.

What qualities do you look for in your employees or colleagues? 

I believe that the best qualities to have in colleagues are, being a team player, hardworking and when your colleagues are like minded and are all working towards the same goal, it doesn’t feel like work at all.

We really are a family here at MS Lending.

Are you an optimist or a pessimist? 

I would say I am an optimist, I am always looking for the positives in uncertain times or situations.

When a client has been told ‘no’ by another lender, I love being able to turn it into a ‘Yes’.

What did you want to be as a child? 

As a child I always wanted to be a racing driver. I am no longer a child but the dream is still there!

What will be the greatest challenge facing the bridging finance industry in the coming months?

I think the biggest challenge for the industry will be the cost of living crisis.

The continued rise of cost to living will drive people to become more cautious but it could also accelerate the lending market as there are many deals to be had.

Who or what makes you laugh? 

It is definitely Rob Goodall trying to pursue his singing career in the office.

Do you dread Monday mornings? 

I am one of the fortunate people that love their job!

This means that coming in on Monday isn’t a chore, it is always something I look forward to.

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

If I could change one thing about myself, it would probably be my tendency to overthink and overanalyze scenarios.

It isn’t always a bad thing as it ensures I am consistent and concise with the work I do.

You need excellent attention to detail when working as a Case Manager/Underwriter in the Specialist Finance industry.

With whom would you most like to have dinner?  

The person I would most like to have dinner would be Jeff Bezos.

The Amazon CEO started his business off as a bookstore and I would love to sit and listen to his story about how he has created one of the world’s most successful businesses.