‘It’s all about being accountable and reliable for my brokers’


Katy Fogarty Octane Capital

In our latest Five Minute Interview, Tony Sanchez speaks to Katy Fogarty, Business Development Manager at Octane Capital.

Katy has worked within the property finance industry for over fourteen years.

She started her career with Nationwide in various roles including underwriting.

She also spent five years as a mortgage adviser in both employed and self-employed roles, before moving into business development in 2018.

Her career in sales has spanned roles with NatWest and most recently Catalyst Property Finance before joining Octane in 2024.

What is the best thing about being in the bridging finance business?

I would have to say the relationships that have been formed over the years and of course seeing a deal come to life and completing.

What keeps you focused?

Other than my morning Cappuccinos?

It’s all about being accountable and reliable for my brokers.

I want to show them that by consistently delivering on what I say I am going to do that they can rely on me, and entrust me with their next deal.

What qualities do you look for in your employees or colleagues?

Support, honesty, and being able to have a laugh.

Are you an optimist or a pessimist?

Optimists believe wholeheartedly that things will work out, and when they don’t work out, an optimist will learn from the experience to navigate a new path… that’s me!

What did you want to be as a child?

As a young child I was always interested in being a nurse.

However, I tremendously enjoy detective shows, so being a forensic scientist always seemed pretty cool to me.

Think Miss Marple crossed with Vera!

What will be the greatest challenge facing the bridging finance industry in the coming months?

I think there are several challenges that could impact our industry in the coming months.

Inflation and interest rates are probably the two biggest potential challenges, as the day-to-day market we work in is intrinsically linked to both.

The other obvious answer is a potential change of government.

It’s probably now a case of when, not if, but even so there will be a level of uncertainty in the money markets in the time leading up to the country going to the polls, and then a period of re-setting whilst the new cabinet beds in.

Who or what makes you laugh?

I do get quite the thrill when watching epic fail videos on social media.

Do you dread Monday mornings?

No, it’s the same as every other morning and I’m always ready and raring to go.

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

Being able to sing.

I do enjoy a good karaoke session and it would be nice to not ruin every song although it doesn’t mean I don’t give it my all.

With whom would you most like to have dinner?

Henry Cavill, because he would be great to stare at over a fillet steak and Malbec.