‘It’s a fast-paced environment with an eclectic mix of borrowers, brokers and securities’


Rob Goodall MS Lending Group

In our latest Five Minute Interview, Tony Sanchez speaks to Rob Goodall, managing director at MS Lending Group.

MS Lending Group offers bridging finance on residential, semi-commercial, and commercial properties.

As a business, they look at every case on its own individual merits and work closely with their clients to ensure their financial needs are met.

They have no set product range in order to ensure they are agile in the market and able to best suit their customers.

MS Lending Group is based on real products, by real people, making real decisions.

What is the best thing about being in the bridging finance business?

It’s a fast-paced environment with an eclectic mix of borrowers, brokers and securities.

At MS Lending we can also adapt to market conditions with the introduction of new products as we see opportunities to do so to help and support our customers, a prime example being the recently launched ESG product.

What keeps you focused?

Exercise in the morning will set me up for the day.

I also think it’s important to switch off and have a healthy work/life balance.

What qualities do you look for in your employees or colleagues? 

The obvious work ethic but also those who are not afraid to challenge, who will sometimes make mistakes but learn from them.

As I say to my colleagues, never be scared to ask questions. As much as businesses adapted during COVID, getting back into the office, and learning on the job, face to face, cannot be replicated over the phone or on Zoom.

Are you an optimist or a pessimist? 

You always need to be optimistic – there’s no point going through life thinking you can’t do something

What did you want to be as a child? 

On stage. I did have the option to go to stage school when I was 10 but my parents didn’t want me to leave home!

What will be the greatest challenge facing the bridging and development finance industry in the coming months?

Build costs and labour costs continuing to rise in a flat/falling residential market & the hangover from COVID causing delays in redemptions/refinances.

Who or what makes you laugh? 

Curb Your Enthusiasm, alcohol, and my friends.

Do you dread Monday mornings? 

Never. If you dread any morning before work, you’re in the wrong job.

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? 

My wife tells me I need to be more patient.

With whom would you most like to have dinner?  

My dad. He died when he was 53 and he’s missed so much that I’d like to tell him.