The Five Minute Interview with Rick Wilfan, Business Development Manager, Goldentree


Goldentree is a privately owned and funded property finance business. Owned by Fred and Peter Done, also owners of the BetFred business, Goldentree have the capacity and flexibility to do deals quicker and more flexibly than anyone else.

Commercial Bridging and Development Finance are just two of their specialities.

We speak to business development manager, Rick Wilfan:

What is the best thing about being in the bridging and development finance business?

It is very fast paced, no time to stop!

What keeps you focussed?

A drive to be the best at what I do keeps me heading in the right direction.

What qualities do you look for in your employees or colleagues?

I look for people who are as equally dedicated as myself and will be willing to go the extra mile.

Are you an optimist or a pessimist?

Optimist, 100%. I am always looking for the good in people and any deal we do to get the right outcome.

What did you want to be as a child?

A footballer! Isn’t that everyone’s dream?

What will be the greatest challenge facing the bridgin and development finance industry in the coming months?

I wouldn’t say anything in particular but if anything did come about we would be there to deal with it in the best way possible.

Who or what makes you laugh?

Currently my 5 month old cockerpoo, Albert. He is always running about the house.

Do you dread Monday mornings?

Never, it’s a new week and new adventures lie ahead.

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

To have looked for a career in Development/Bridging Finance sooner.

With whom would you most like to have dinner?

Peter Schmeichel, my hero as a child.