The Five Minute Interview with Paresh Raja, CEO, Market Financial Solutions


Market Financial Solutions is an award winning independent bridging finance provider that deals with a range of innovative bridging solutions that are fast and flexible for all their intermediaries and clients.

We speak to CEO, Paresh Raja:

What is the best thing about being in the bridging finance business?

Bridging is an opportunity that cannot be delayed otherwise you lose it. Bridging goes beyond tick lists and robotic approaches to solving solutions.

It is an exciting, practical answer that helps investors to seize their opportunities to grow and be successful.

In my experience, the “one size fits all” approach is of little value in the bridging market.

The industry has thrived on the delivery of tailored loan solutions, and this is something we take great pride in offering at MFS.

No matter how complex, intricate or unique a case may be, we focus on providing a bespoke solution directly relevant to the individual needs of our clients.

What keeps you focused?

My wife and four kids and the love of life keeps me focused. I enjoy working hard and am always looking for ways to improve and grow in business as well as personally.

What qualities do you look for in your employees or colleagues?

Commitment, competency and the ability to adapt & learn as well as a how to approach in finding a solution that best fits all without compromising on risk.

Are you an optimist or a pessimist?

I am an optimist, life is not perfect for anyone and with an outlook of being positive, it helps personally and with business.

You see beyond the hurdles to solve issues, find ways to get things done and move forward gracefully.

What did you want to be as a child?

A pilot – was always fascinated with flying & planes.

What will be the greatest challenge facing the bridging finance industry in the coming months?

The uncertainty of the current government and recent elections has put investors on a more cautious approach to investing and this can lead to decisions being made slower than one wants. Bridging is about making decisions quickly and acting on them.

However, a mere 26% of UK adults think Brexit will have a negative impact on the economy.

As such, while Westminster works to form a new government, it is essential that this positive sentiment is not lost – in what has been a year of momentous shocks in British politics, the next government must take swift action to provide clarity and direction for the UK economy, and to support the country’s world-renowned property sector.

Do you dread Monday mornings?

That’s the best day of the week for me.  Start the week positive and ready to tackle all and by the end of the week you can reflect and see what you have achieved and what more you need to do.

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

I have been told I can be too direct or blunt. I like to be transparent about what I can and cannot do. Possibly tone down the level of directness to a more diplomatic approach!!

With whom would you most like to have dinner?

Warren Buffet – his foresight and vision is inspiring. One of my favourite quotes:

“You only have to do a very few things right in your life so long as you don’t do too many things wrong.”