The Five Minute Interview with Christopher Scott, Internal Business Development Manager, Dragonfly Property Finance


Dragonfly Property Finance, are 100% committed to providing their key partners and clients with exceptional service and a flexible, highly competitive product range.

Dragonfly Property Finance are a principal lender, self-funded and have a genuine appetite to lend.

We speak to internal business development manager, Christopher Scott:


What is the best thing about being in the bridging finance business?

I love the pace of the environment. Each day brings new challenges and every deal is different. With the right mind-set and work ethic it opens up a world of opportunity.

What keeps you focused?

Competition. Coming from a strong sporting background, competition and the need to win keeps me on my toes from start to finish. Coffee also helps….

What qualities do you look for in your employees or colleagues? 

I always look to work in a dynamic and driven environment. There is no substitute for hard work, and so I want to surround myself with people who have a similar attitude.

I also enjoy working with people who are supportive and have a positive attitude towards life.

Are you an optimist or a pessimist?

Optimist for sure – I’m a glass half full kind of guy. 90% of progress is made in the head. You can’t expect things to go your way unless you’re 100% committed to making it work in the first place.

What did you want to be as a child?

I always wanted to be a professional rugby player, something I carried with me for a while. Failing that, being a vet was up there. I always wanted to be able to help my cat if he got ill!

What will be the greatest challenge facing the bridging finance industry in the coming months? 

I hope that with pension reforms picking up speed, and increasing uncertainty in the global equity market, the property market will be an interesting proposition for many.

With that comes opportunity in both development and bridging, so I have no doubt the market is a great place to be at the moment.

Who or what makes you laugh? 

Fail videos and Kevin Bridges.

Do you dread Monday mornings? 

Absolutely not. Monday mornings start on Sunday night, and those are normally spent preparing for the week ahead. I’m a big fan of routine and Monday mornings provide a blank canvas for the rest of the week.

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? 

Mentally – I often expect a lot from myself and so can pressurise myself unnecessarily. Having said that, this is one of the main drivers in my desire to succeed so I would love to find a middle ground.

With whom would you most like to have dinner?

I think a sit down with Leonardo DiCaprio would be very entertaining. I imagine he has a good few interesting stories up his sleeve.

Above all else though, a meal with my family would be at the top of the list. Being from a family with a strong Italian influence, the meals are second to none.

I also don’t see as much of them as I would like as they are based in Edinburgh and Malta.