‘Brokers, agents, and developers. The mix of people could not be more varied’


Will Calito Magnet Capital

In our latest Five Minute Interview, Tony Sanchez speaks to Will Calito, Business Development Manager at Magnet Capital.

Magnet Capital are a principal lender of Development Finance from 200k up to 2.5m and two-time winners of the Business Moneyfacts best service from a Development Finance Lender in 2023 and 2024.

What is the best thing about being in the development finance business?

I love the autonomy it has, being able to run my own desk and carry my own personal reputation through and through.

This is so refreshing after having worked in corporate estate agency, need I say more?

The best bit though, is the people. In the last 10 months I have been out on the road for most of my time and met some genuinely great people across the country.

Brokers, agents, and developers. The mix of people could not be more varied.

It’s nice to do business with nice people, and the relationships I’ve begun to build are definitely on par with that.

What keeps you focused?

Something I struggle with to be honest, as I try spin every plate its easy to get sidetracked.

I always come out on top, but day to day, my saviour is the pad of yellow post-it notes plastered across my second screen, desk, and anything at an arm’s length. It’s a bit of a Magnet Capital trend.

On the bigger picture – I have always believed it’s my name and my own reputation I want to carry, so I guess knowing your doing what you can for the best outcome is ingrained into me.

What qualities do you look for in your employees or colleagues?

I’m not a morning person so no talking to me before I’ve had my coffee…

Other than that, me and Brian who is our other BDM work really well together, both easy going and both working with the same goal of growing Magnet Capital.

Yes, a bit of friendly competition but we do really see the longer-term goals so day to day we are consistently working alongside one another.

I can’t stand problematic people, be positive and let’s get it done.

Are you an optimist or a pessimist?

Can I be difficult and say a realist?

Overall, I would say I am always taking the good out of a situation and will put a positive spin on things.

But at the end of the day, it is what it is and if there’s nothing you can do, just get on with it.

What did you want to be as a child?

If I think all the way back, when I was asked in primary school I drew a lumberjack.

Which for those that know me now, I think would agree is hilarious.

In secondary school, I wanted to go into International Relations/diplomacy. But then towards the end and once I left, I knew it was going down the property route.

What will be the greatest challenge facing the development finance industry in the coming months?


It’s been a consistent issue, across the country for every single developer.

Irrespective of what changes they make; it needs something to shake the whole thing up.

I don’t pay too much attention to politics nowadays, but with the election upcoming it seems the outcome is already decided.

So, let’s hope they have some sense to bring.

Who or what makes you laugh?

I think I would have to say Jeremey Clarkson, I grew up watching him and I’m watching the new Clarkson’s Farm at the moment, and I just think he is effortlessly funny.

Do you dread Monday mornings?

Yes, but not for any other reason than I’m no morning person!

Before here, I was in agency and that toxic working environment meant every time I had to go into the office doors my stomach would churn.

At Magnet, it’s cheesy but I love my job. Yes, there are days but they are few and far between.

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

LOL. I’m forever jealous of people who have height on their side.

I’m 5ft 10 so I’m not short but I’m also not tall. It’s just a bit of a weird in-between height.

I’ve been really into my fitness and health so ‘summer body pending’ but it would just be much better at 6ft 4.

With whom would you most like to have dinner?

A bit of a touchy one, but it would be my Pepe, he passed a few years ago at 68 from Cancer.

We grew up in the same family home as my mum, all together with my Meme and Pepe (Nan and Grandad) so he was always my biggest role model, and who I aspired to make proud.