Saxon trust bridging loans

Who are Saxon Trust and what do they do?

Lending since 2006, Saxon Trust has built a reputation as a leading, innovative and flexible property lender. Rebranding in 2020 from its original name of Calmez, the team are steadily increasing the reach of the business by developing a broader suite of loan products. With a diverse range of loan types including bridging, development, refurbishment, development exit, mezzanine and stretch finance they are now able to support borrowers throughout the entire life cycle of their projects.

A key feature of Saxon Trust is the fact that it is privately owned with its directors holding most of the shares. This puts a direct link between the borrowers and those that run and own the business. The directors and senior management all have extensive property investment and development experience. They understand market cycles and sometimes it is this knowledge and background that allows them to take views that other lenders won’t.

Saxon Trust will always look to provide certainty in its lending offering and works in a truly collaborative way with brokers, borrowers and a network of third parties to achieve the best possible results for all concerned. They will never revert to computer driven algorithms to make decisions preferring instead to forge a close relationship with brokers, borrowers and their projects.

  • As well as bridging loans, bridging finance for renovations and ground up development loans Saxon Trust also offer mezzanine and stretch finance, developer exit and VAT loans.
  • Whilst many lenders claim to be flexible, the Saxon Trust team believes that real flexibility only comes with a diversity of product. It is this diversity that allows the Saxon team to offer real flexibility.
  • From project start to finish introducers and borrowers will have a single point of contact within the Saxon team – even if a deal transitions to another type of loan.


Do Saxon Trust offer bridging loans?

Yes. Although historically better known for development lending, Saxon Trust now offer highly competitive bridging finance across a wide range of properties, sites and to borrowers from an array of backgrounds and histories.

What do Saxon Trust’s interest rates look like on bridging finance? 

With rates starting from 0.55% per month on standard bridging, Saxon Trust’s rates are genuinely competitive. In addition, interest can be rolled up, retained or indeed serviced if the borrower prefers this option. Crucially there will never be any hidden fees on a Saxon Trust bridging loan.

What do I need to get a bridging loan with Saxon Trust?

The Saxon Trust team offer a simple, fast and highly personalised 5 step process from initial enquiry right through to completion. They tailor each loan to the application and aim to be as flexible as they can.

With a single point of contact throughout the process and all deals manually underwritten by highly experienced underwriters an indicative decision in principle (DIP) and rates are offered promptly. Meanwhile cases that can’t be progressed are rejected equally quickly with a full explanation that often gives an insight to both introducers and their clients.

Once rates are accepted each loan is tailored to the application. The Saxon Trust team ensure all elements of processing will run concurrently to ensure the fastest possible turnaround time to completion. Broker invoices are paid on the day of completion.

How do I apply and how easy is the process?

It couldn’t be easier. Simply request a “Quick Quote” or a “Call Back” by clicking on anyone of the multiple tabs on the website. Saxon Trust will be in contact promptly upon receipt. It is also extremely easy to download more detailed Enquiry and Application forms from the Introducer Section of the website.

The Saxon Trust team will also accept broker enquiry forms and are happy to discuss enquiries and address any queries prior to submission.

How long does the application process take and when do I get the money?

Whilst some lenders tend to over-engineer their application process, the team at Saxon Trust have a focus on simplifying procedures and shortening turnaround times. Internal processes are constantly reviewed and wherever possible cutting-edge technology and systems are used to complement their human decision-making engine.

By using technology to complement underwriters rather than replace them and by only working with the very best professional partners, Saxon Trust still, on occasions,

complete cases in days rather than weeks. Having said this it’s important to caveat that ultimately the borrower largely dictates the pace a deal progresses at.

Does Saxon Trust do any specialist bridging options for things like property, business, etc?

Saxon Trust lend right across England and Wales and are happy to bridge against unusual properties and high value single assets. They are also happy to consider valuation uplifts and additional security as equity.

They offer bridging for light and moderate refurbishments as well as mezzanine, development exit and specialist VAT bridge loans. From a development perspective they are happy to finance schemes right across England and Wales. The Saxon team understand property development extensively so can take views where other lenders can’t. They work extremely closely with their developer partners in order to help them maximise their opportunities and to build long-term relationships.

What are the pros and/or cons of a bridging loan with Saxon Trust?

Saxon Trust lending follows industry best practices and wherever possible they will look to exceed the standards required of them as a lender. To do so they work with professional advisors of the highest quality who conduct regular audits, advise on and help to implement frequent advances in best practice.

The Saxon Trust team is multi-disciplinary with skills that include finance, treasury, portfolio management, asset management, development and much more besides. They aim to build long-lasting relationships with their borrowers and introducers and the success of this strategy is reflected by the high number of repeat clients they enjoy.

By offering core bridging and development loans from £100K to £5M (with larger loans by exception) over periods of 3-36 months and supplementing these with a range of more specialist loan types Saxon Trust’s proposition is unique in the marketplace.

There are very few cons, albeit Saxon Trust do not offer regulated loans preferring to focus fully on unregulated business loans.