Avamore Capital appoints relationship manager


Amir Khan Avamore Capital

Avamore Capital has appointed Amir Khan as relationship manager. Amir joins Avamore in the midst of a number of hires being announced across all departments.

Amir is the second of two Relationship Mangers that have joined this year and the team expansion reflects Avamore’s aims to increase market coverage and is supportive of its ambitious completion targets for 2021 and beyond.

Amir has joined Avamore from West One Loans where he was a key account manager. During his time, he played a fundamental role in building up the buy-to-let department.

At Avamore, Amir will be the Relationship Manager for Southern & Central London working alongside Andreas Yianni who will continue to support partners in Northern & Central London.

Amir will be looking to build new relationships and work with his existing network of core broker partners to increase awareness and accessibility to Avamore’s specialist funding range.

Amir’s varied background means that he will have the ability to gain a deep understanding of Avamore’s product range and deliver solutions that work for the customer.

Amir’s hire coincides with continued growth at Avamore. Earlier this year, the lender announced £150M in redemptions with no impairments to date and, more recently, it has crossed £300M of total lending. In 2021 alone, Avamore has instructed relevant professionals against £100M worth of loans which puts it in a strong position to reach its target of £180M of completions for the calendar year.

Amir Khan, pictured, Relationship Manager, Avamore Capital commented:

“I am looking forward to working with new and existing broker partners and providing solution driven funding options for them and their developer customers.

I have always had a personal interest in the development space; seeing my father renovate, extend and convert homes always made me keen to enter this market and, understanding the value that can be added to the right security is extremely exciting.

I am looking forward to working within a growing business, delivering relevant and competitive products along with excellent service to broker partners in Southern & Central London.”

Zuhair Mirza, Principal, Avamore Capital commented:

“We’re really excited to have Amir joining the team and helping us increase our exposure in London. It will remain incredibly important to us that we hold strong relationships with broker firms based in and around Avamore’s central hub.

As the market changes, we will always ensure that we are equipping our Relationship Managers with competitive and truly relevant products to offer the market.

Amir has a broad and relevant background, and this combination will bring a unique edge while reinforcing the origination team.

The hire reflects our commitment to servicing a broader proportion of the market and we look forward to seeing the impact which Amir will make on the business.”