Lord Daniel Finkelstein announced as keynote speaker at ASTL’s annual conference


BensonLord Daniel Finkelstein OBE, award-winning journalist and former adviser to the Prime Minister, is speaking at this year’s ASTL annual conference.

Following the sell-out of last year’s event, the upcoming conference entitled ‘Lending in an uncertain world’, is being hosted at Painter’s Hall in London on 22nd September and will address how the changing world is continuing to affect the long and short term mortgage markets.

Before joining The Times in 2001 where he is now executive editor, weekly columnist and chief leader writer, Daniel Finkelstein was adviser to Prime Minister John Major and Conservative leader William Hague. He is also known for being a TV panelist and cult football column writer and, in 2011 and 2012, was named political commentator of the year at the Editorial Intelligence Comment Awards.

Daniel Finkelstein will deliver a high-impact keynote speech by sharing anecdotes from his time on the political frontline and will provide an engaging insight into the political scene as well as his thoughts and predictions for the future.

Daniel Finkelstein said:

“In my opinion, there has rarely been a moment when politics in Britain has been so exciting. From Labour’s leadership to Tory troubles, things keep changing from one moment to the next. So how does business find a steady path through the battlefield? By understanding how politics works. I look forward to addressing these issues as well as current political, economic and government affairs at this year’s ASTL conference.”

Benson Hersch, chief executive of the ASTL said:

“I am sure that Lord Finkelstein will inspire, educate and motivate our audience of bridging lenders, brokers and suppliers, by connecting true business principles with fresh, forward thinking ideas.

“As a prominent media commentator and a highly respected professional, Daniel is well known for his views on the current political and economic scene both domestically and internationally. His talk will provide a thought-provoking and intelligent insight into the ever-changing world of politics and economics which will help businesses in the bridging industry to negotiate the uncertainties to come.”

The ASTL conference is expected to once again bring together some of the best minds in the bridging and short term lending industry.